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Power in Prayer

Talk about using positive words;  today is National Day of Prayer! How fitting it is to believe that our words can be a powerful tool in building up this nation. For those of us who believe God’s word to be true, there are so many scriptures that can bring us hope! Because there are so many that can be fitting for this day alone, I will point out a few that my family and I stand on daily. First of all, He says his word will not come back void in Isaiah 55:11…that, what He has spokenwill be accomplished. So, as we pray, we can firmly believe that… if He is for us, who can be against us? (Romans 8:31) And, we can know that no matter what happens in our lives…. God will cause all things to work together for the good  of those that love God and are called in accordance with his purpose (Romans 8:28). So, don’t just pray today, pray everyday!  When you make an effort to pray everyday, you will soon find yourself in a relationship with God.  When you get God’s very own ideas in your heart, there will be a transformation that can truly make you feel positively charged! God bless us all on this day and EVERYDAY!

I would like to take this opportunity to introduce one of my newest Zazzle shops called “Birds of Pray”. I can’t wait to get more products added there.
Here is one image you can find there…

Here are some of my other creations to remind us to add prayer to our lives daily!


and these wonderful cards by Frank DeLoach, Rose Byrd,Tom Rent and Cynthia Chronister…

Welcome to my imagination!

Welcome to Creations from the Heart. I am hoping to spread a positive message because being positive will have a great impact on your life. Seeing so many people with destructive attitudes or even worse, take their own life… I have found this is something near and dear to my heart. It is not always easy to be positive and a lot of us have to work on this daily! I hope to encourage you with words or my creations! I love God, love my family, love to create, love animals and I love playing with words! I will be sharing my creations here as I have my drawings on sites like Greeting Card UniverseZazzle and my own website; Creations from the Heart. If something has meaning to you or you would like to offer positive feedback, I would love for you to share!
